You shall not misuse the name of the Lord

Exodus 20:7

God reveals his character and power in the Bible. But there are many who share false gospels and misuse the name of Jesus. How should we honour Jesus’ name in truth?


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5 May 2024

Guy Mason

Guy is the founding and Senior Pastor of City on a Hill, a church that began in 2007 with a small team and a big vision. Today City on a Hill is a movement of many churches that gathers across multiple locations, in different cities and is united around the central mission of knowing Jesus and making Jesus known. Guy is a passionate communicator of the gospel who is committed to engaging culture with the beauty, truth, and relevance of Jesus. Guy graduated with a BA in Public Relations from RMIT University, has a Masters of Divinity from Ridley College and is currently completing a Doctorate of Ministry with Wheaton College. He is the husband to Vanessa and the father to four children. He is an ordained Anglican Minister and serves as an Archdeacon in the Diocese of Melbourne.

5 May 2024

Mike Wziontek

Mike is the Community Pastor at City on a Hill Brisbane. He is married to Sarah and they have two young daughters, Elle and Lily. He loves engaging with people from all walks of life, and is passionate about the life-changing message of Jesus. He also enjoys playing or watching all types of sport and trying a new cafe or craft beer.

5 May 2024

Guy Mason

Guy is the founding and Senior Pastor of City on a Hill, a church that began in 2007 with a small team and a big vision. Today City on a Hill is a movement of many churches that gathers across multiple locations, in different cities and is united around the central mission of knowing Jesus and making Jesus known. Guy is a passionate communicator of the gospel who is committed to engaging culture with the beauty, truth, and relevance of Jesus. Guy graduated with a BA in Public Relations from RMIT University, has a Masters of Divinity from Ridley College and is currently completing a Doctorate of Ministry with Wheaton College. He is the husband to Vanessa and the father to four children. He is an ordained Anglican Minister and serves as an Archdeacon in the Diocese of Melbourne.

5 May 2024

Pete Steven

Pete is the Lead Pastor of City on a Hill Whittington. He has a heart to serve, and to see people connect in to this big, wonderful family we call the church. He is married to his best friend Rachelle and together they have 7 children and one son-in-law. He loves bike riding, surfing, and spending time with the family. He is currently studying a Masters of Divinity, which he hopes to finish sometime this decade!