Faith and Judgement

James 4:11-12

Hypocrisy and judgementalism of the church are the two greatest blockers stopping many from following Jesus. Whilst it is honorable to judge between what God has determined to be good and evil, for James previously calls his readers double-minded sinners that ought to cleanse their hands and purify their hearts. We are to call out sin, but to never condemn people based on their particular sin. It is not our place to judge the sin of others because we are all sinners.

The one who judges presumes to have the authority to make the law, enforce the law, and uphold the law. This is not just because we are all sinners who do not have all the information to judge justly. The only one that can judge justly must be perfectly righteous, and know all things. When we judge, we are saying that God is impotent as judge. Judgementalism is the oldest sin in the book, aligning with the desire of Satan to judge the judge and take the place of God. Jesus is the only perfect judge and lawgiver with the authority to execute judgement on disobedience, and reward obedience. He rules far above every ruler and authority, and he rules over us. There is coming a day when Jesus returns to execute perfect justice. Trust him as saviour and let him free you from the desire to judge others.


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